For Sale: Red Cherry Shrimp and plants for sale

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Hello, I am currently in the market to buy cherry reds and some java moss as well. For now, I plan to keep them in a 6 gallon Marineland tank and slowly introduce them into my 75 gallon tank. How many do you recommend purchasing for the 6 gallon? And the same goes for the java moss. Also, do you guarantee your shrimp? If it matters, I live in SW Louisiana.


It just depends o how many you want. In a 10 gallon I think I have a couple hundred. And I always ship a few extra just in case. I haven't had anyone lose any yet. Shipping is 2-3 days.

I'd like to purchase from you, please send me the info for payment. Thinking 35 cherry reds and 2 bundles of java moss.
I haven't heard anything. I also haven't found them locally for less than $7/shrimp.

There's a few guys on ebay selling batches of 25-30 shrimp for $30-$40 plus priority shipping out of NJ/NY/FL.

I think I may go that route and start selling my shrimp locally once I get them settled and breeding.
how much for the shrimp? do you think a headlight taillight tetra or african dwarf frog would eat them if they are too small?
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