Mystery snail help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 2, 2011
Hi ive kept mystery snails for a long time now and have the same problem with them all, they stop eating close up and eventually die. I've went through everything water stats, calcium, pH , and even checked copper but nothing. No fish are bothering them as its a peaceful tank only thing I'm noticing is my red ramshorn snail's are constantly on them, shell, foot and trying to get inside the shells . Has anyone experienced issues with their mystery and ramshorn snail's together?
Thank you
Yes. If you have lots of ramshorn snails they pester the mystery snails constantly. The small ones get inside the shells and slowly kill them. I keep my ramshorn number low by feeding almost all to my puffer.
Yes. If you have lots of ramshorn snails they pester the mystery snails constantly. The small ones get inside the shells and slowly kill them. I keep my ramshorn number low by feeding almost all to my puffer.
Thanks, I'm constantly removing them weekly during pwc but they keep coming back lol probably because there's food out for my other snails. I've lost 4 last week, as soon as they get to adult size thats when the ramshorn snail's become pests. I'm just going to have to stop buying mystery snails.
This is an interesting topic. I also have RH and now MS and it seems true that the MS do not get huge and will die off over time, but certainly before "maturity" or middle to old age. I never thought too much about their longevity because I have water on the softer side and thought it was probably that.
This is an interesting topic. I also have RH and now MS and it seems true that the MS do not get huge and will die off over time, but certainly before "maturity" or middle to old age. I never thought too much about their longevity because I have water on the softer side and thought it was probably that.
Exactly what mine are doing. It's sad, my last mystery is choosing to sleep up high in one off my plant's definitely think it's the ramshorn, constantly pulling them out but there's no stopping them babies are turning up the whole time. My rabbits aren't affected probably down to the size off them ( not having much body on show)
Lovely to speak to you Autumn x
I have had issues too. I got a yo yo loach. He cleaned up my pond snails. I still breed them just for him. He won't touch my baby ms snails at all. I noticed the pond snails wouldn't leave my ms alone. I keep hard to get color Ms snails. Mostly Jade's cuz I love the black foot and gold shell. I wish there was more info on the Ms snails. I hope keep them separate is a possibility for you. A loach is a good way to get rid of the rh snails. I wouldn't suggest a assassin they will take down a mystery snail. I have seen it they hunt in packs if there is enough of them.
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