Safe snail?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 19, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I just found this snail in my tank. Is it going to breed all over my tank?
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Enjoy the small moments for they comprise life.
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Here's another picture.
Google seems to think that it is an assassin snail. Would you concur?

Enjoy the small moments for they comprise life.
That is an assassin snail for sure. I have 5 in my 55g and they haven't bred like crazy at all. I don't believe they are asexual so if you only have one you should be just fine, provided, you don't have any snails in the tank that you would not want eaten.
Thanks! Apparently it takes a boy and a girl in the old fashioned way for these snails. I have no other snails on the tank so I guess I'll let this little guy out of solitary and let him join the general population.

Enjoy the small moments for they comprise life.
The great thing about assassin snails is that they will eat all your pest snails!
If you don't have any pest snails or don't plan to buy any plants in the future you may have to look into other feeding options for it.

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