Strange shrimp behavior after feeding thawed frozen food

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 6, 2014
Eastern USA
We bought some frozen baby brine shrimp (although under ingredients it says bloodworms, hmm), and last night decided to feed some to our tank critters finally. I let it thaw on the counter first, and then I poured it in. Weird, it was liquid (wasn't expecting that), which means it must have been ground up. The pygmy catfish loved it, but...

Our shrimp went NUTS. They were gliding/swimming/jumping/spazzing all over the tank for about half hour, REALLY fast. It was so strange.

Has anyone ever had this happen before? Any idea what could cause it? We are not going to feed anymore frozen food for quite a while... I'm sure it must have been stressing the shrimp to be behaving like that! :(
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