Dreaming of a pond

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 22, 2002
Fort Collins, Colorado
I have a 12X24 inground swimming pool that I only need to keep for a couple more years for the kids. After that, it's turning into a pond. Can't wait, but it gives me time to plan it out. I'm looking forward to some great threads here...

Mark, I have also been thinking about a small pond in the back yard since I now own a house. I suppose thats one of the reasons I added a Pond section to this site.

:) I cant wait till we get some good pond hobbiests here to tell us all about it. :drinking:
woo hooo!!

I've had a pond for 6 years now, I love it but its a lotta work. Total gallons about 1,200. Have gentle slope to yard, so there is a smaller pond at the top, about 400 gl, then a 20 ft stream with 2 waterfalls, 1ft. high and 3 feet high, then bottom pond about 800 gls. 3 types of lillies, minicattails, stargrass, lotus, 2 kinds of taro, various floaters and submerged plants.

Just keep goldfish, no koi. no fish in pond cost more than $1. all various muticolor comets. Live very close to Chesapeake bay, and woods, so some of my fish get eaten every year by Herons or Raccoons. Thats why I buy cheap fish. Lotsa baby fish this year, usually bring some in for the winter, big ones survive outside just fine, but anything under 1.5 inches usually dies. I'm more into plants anyway.

Damn I need a digital camera, pix would come in handy right now!

I'll do another post on the repairs I'm up against right now!
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