34 gallon sw start up

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 22, 2013
LongBeach NY
Hi I just recently bought a Red Sea 130d max I put water and live rock in the tank last Thursday. I haven't seen any spikes in the ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate yet. My question is how long does it generally take to start seeing these spikes? I also see a bunch of these little microscopic flee looking things running around the rock.
Just the live rock and the crushed corral in a mesh bag in the back of the tank. I was thinking maybe I should add a small maintenance crew?
Ok I've been told that once before I guess ill start that tonight should it be shelled or shel off?
Ok I've been told that once before I guess ill start that tonight should it be shelled or shel off?

Some people put the shrimp in a sock so you don't have bits of rotting shrimp floating around to deal with :)

Post some pics.
Ok put shrimp in a filter bag. Question how long do I keep it in there until I start getting ammonia spikes or until the tank is completely cycled?

my understanding is you need a constant source of amonia until you get a complete cycle so you even may need to add another shrimp until you get a complete cycle. Then remove it.
Now I'm reading that using shrimp is a bad idea if you have live rock the ammonia levels will get to high and kill all the good critters. Any opinions or experience on that situation?
First I ever heard about it. I have a 30g long... I dropped in my shrimp and left it in for the entire cycle. my ammonia spiked @ 4.0ppm.. I have about 10-12lbs of live rock and a few of the hitch hikers made it through the cycle.
I guess only time will tell. Yeah I read that pinching a few flakes a day with fish food allows you to control levels
you should be fine with the shrimp alone. just do your water tests (I tested once a day) and play the waiting game...nothing left to do for now but let mother nature do her thing.
Ok need some advise I've had the shrimp in the tank for about 5 days. The ammonia went up to .25 and nitrites went up to .10 nitrates still at 0. Now I tested today and my ammonia is almost 0 and my nitrites are 0 still no nitrates. Any suggestions? There is no way the tank has cycled that fast? Also there has to be hundreds of those tiny little shrimp looking things I think there called Copepods and a feather duster that won't stop moving.
Ok need some advise I've had the shrimp in the tank for about 5 days. The ammonia went up to .25 and nitrites went up to .10 nitrates still at 0. Now I tested today and my ammonia is almost 0 and my nitrites are 0 still no nitrates. Any suggestions? There is no way the tank has cycled that fast? Also there has to be hundreds of those tiny little shrimp looking things I think there called Copepods and a feather duster that won't stop moving.

Hmmmm. How much LR do you have and are you running powerheads at all?
As far as the Copepods go, nothing to worry about there. I had them during my cycle but don't have nearly as much if any now
31 pounds of live rock and a bag full of crushed coral in the back. There are two pumps running not sure if that's what you mean by power heads
Powerheads are placed inside your tank and create a current...among other things. Do you have any?
Check out marineland.com and you can see what I'm talking about.
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