anenome on the move

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 2, 2010
This am I look at my tank and my small bubble tip has moved to a place I cannot reach it. What should I do? Or should I do nothing?
Just leave him be. Anemones will move wherever they want until they find someplace that they like. If you try and scrape them off and put them where you want them, you only risk injuring them and stressing them out.

Is this BTA in your 12g? What kind of lighting is he under?
24 watt 50/50. lights on about 6 hrs a day. 1hour in the am 5 in the pm. It was fine until I did a weekly wc. Do you think it is upset? Because of the water change?
Two problems with your lighting. It`s not enough in the first place. No where near enough in intensity. He`ll keep moving around till he finds the right spot but he will never find it because your system is not enough. Secondly you need to mimic the lighting cycle that the earth provides to the seas and oceans. You need to have a 8-12 hour straight cycle of light and then darkness for your tankmates to sleep and recharge. Turning the lights off and on several times a day does not help them. This is a few of the problems that I see.
I will do longer lights...and if there is any ideas on lights I would like to know...I cannot hang anything because I have a vaulted ceiling. -

That site has a whole variety of lighting options for your tank if you want to upgrade the lights. There are also a bunch of DIY options as well if you are handy.

Like mike said though your current lights are not going to provide enough energy for a BTA. It will most likly constantly move looking for more light and slowly run out of energy over a couple months.

Another option is search viper metal halides. They are small MH fixtures that can clip on over your tank.
There are tons of other fixtures that will sit on your tank. Do you have the JBJ nano? I just retro'd in LEDs into my stock hood, it was pretty costly, but totally worth it, I can keep anything in there as long as there is room. My little crocea looks so much happier under the LEDs then he did under the MH.

PAT STOP. You keep beating my posts by like a minute!
IMO you should return the anemone. If you have a clown fish that you want to host something, try a frogspawn of hammerhead coral (both still need more light than you currently have).
Depending on what you upgrade to, what kind of fixture, how you ventilate.
In very very general terms:
LEDs will be cooler.
T5's will be about the same.
MH will be slightly warmer. This is what I am looking at, can you tell me what you think?
They are great, I just upgraded to LEDs on my 12g. I can say however that you can do it for a hellll of a lot cheaper then 300 by yourself. I did it for around $100 cheaper, and get more control with individual dimming on my blues/whites.

If I were to go back and do it again, I could do it for even cheaper.
IMO you should return the anemone. If you have a clown fish that you want to host something, try a frogspawn of hammerhead coral (both still need more light than you currently have).
My black and white clown is shown here hosting a fake anemone.
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