Best test kit for the money.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 3, 2012
I have a fairly new reef tank and it seems if you want success you need to have great parameters. I have basic tests and take samples to my LFS but am looking to get a good test kit before I put a lot of money into fish and corals. I would appreciate if anyone could post what test kit they use and the price it costs so I can make an educated decision.
I use just the standard API saltwater test kit and API reef test kit. The nitrate test in the reef set tests wrong (gives a reading of 0 ppm nitrate when on the nitrate test from the standard SW it says its 10 ppm) so I'd say these are the most basic and cheap, but as for accuracy, you never really get a spot on answer. I think the most accurate would be Hanna checkers, but I think red sea and salifert test kits do a really good job based on the reviews they got and what I've heard.
The Hanna Checkers (at about $50 each) are great for alkalinity and phosphate. The calcium 1 is somewhat hard to use, but very accurate. For normal test tube, reagent type test kits, Salifert or Elos are very good.
I am a fan of the redsea test kits.

+1 The API marine kit is great for running through your cycle, but once the reef is up & running, the API nitrate & phosphate tests in the reef master kit are nowhere near sensitive enough. I run the Red Sea Reef Foundation Pro & Algae Control kits, which will get you good quality calc, alk, mag, nitrate, and phosphate tests.
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