converting fw tank and equipment to sw

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 2, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada
When converting a FW tank to a SW tank are there any considerations to made, like cleaning the tank and equipment, and could any of the residual FW bacteria and algae harm the SW system?
Good to clean the filters out. FW bacteria and SW bacteria are different. Sparing live bacteria from a FW system and put into a SW system will only kill it anyway.
the tank needs to be cleaned with water and plain vinegar (no commercial cleaners)

Did you uever use copper medications in the tank? if so, you may not be able to keep certain things (corals for one)
Good point jaiden...the copper/medication issue is a very big consideration. Even if properly filtered, the tank should not be trusted with any inverts if medications have been used. Residues can remain on the glass and acrylics.
What is the ration of water to vinegar? Do you use straight vinegar and rinse with water? I have an old 55 gal tank I got free and want to clean it up before using it.

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