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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 25, 2005
Polk City, Ia
i was thinking also that i could get clownfish again, but i had two and the one ended up nipping the other one until it died. was this just a one time thing or could i get another pair of clowns and other stuff too. If i get clowns what would you all add in with them, i got a 45 with little live rock, baby snails, starfish, and very small feather dusters. although i got those clowns from petco so they probly had some disease that made the one kill the other or something.
I would give you the Petco story but It would take me an hour to type so I'm not going to. Maybe in another thread.

Back to your question. My friend has a pair or percula's and he has a pseudochromis and a dartfish and they all seem to do fine and this is in his 30 gallon. In a 45 you could add a some chromis probably too.
i was thinking maybe an anemone also. What do you guys think and i would also like to get a shrimp again, one of my old fish ate my last one.
the clowns are a good choice, but the anemone has to wait awhile, as they need an established tank ( about 9 months to a year). so if youre patient, you can have one eventually. with the clowns, you can also add other fish, like gobys, royal grammas, and firefish. its all up to you :D .....
You can not blame Petco for one fish killing the other, the clowns get territorial like other fish do and that is what made the fish beat up the other. One clown needs to be dominate over the other this way they may change sexes and you will have a male/female in the tank.
Add more LR so there are plenty of places for all the fish and critters in the tank to have a place to hide.
Anemones need mature tanks, what kind of light do you have.
Get 2 of the same type of clown and get them small so they have a chance to turn into a pair.. Add them at the same time, and take your time when acclimating them, poor acclimation can weaken fish.
What happened to the winning clown??
the tank is now one year old, i just like to blame petco for everything cause everything i buy seems to die from there in a couple days, i have a blue marine glow light, and the winning clown lived for like 2 months and then the power went out and that got him. thanks for the help.
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