lighting help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 1, 2011
crewe cheshire uk
hi i am jut wondering if the ights in my tank will support corals. its only a nano reef tank 13 gallon. it has 2 18W, 10,000K, Blue / White bulbs
For anenomes you need high intensity lighting but in a small tank like that you might be OK with the corals I mentioned. I definitely dont think an anenome will make it in that lighting.
The problem with trying a nem is that if they don't make it, they will foul your tank up in a hurry. Meaty, decomposing, nem meat will cause all sorts of water quality issues. Lighting isn't the only things nems need. Focus on creating a system and maintenance routine where your water parameters are as stable as you can get them. Lighting is the easy part in keeping stable.
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