New tank big sandstorm

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 23, 2009
Pitttsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hey I just started a 55g tank with some sand that has kicked up quite a sand storm. Anyway it seems to settle to some extent but only with no powerheads or the return pump on. M Any tips or tricks to get this to settle or remove the finer particles? Also somewhat related, is there any downside to adding live rock and starting my cycle during this? I know aquascaping will be hard but I'm more concerned if the finer particles settling would effect my Rocks in any negative way. I'm using 40 lbs of dry rock and 30 lbs of live rock from my lfs. I want to start cycling asap since I've already been waiting for months to start up this tank.
You should put all your rock in before you start the cycle. It is better to go rocks first, then sand but if your sand is already in just make sure your rocks are set right in not sitting on top of the sand. In regards to the sandstorm, just find that sweet spot with your powerheads to reduce it - aim them up so they break the surface? It took me a while to find the right position for mine. It's just trial and error :)

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