Protein skimmer in 30 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 14, 2012
Si i purchased a AES Euro Nano skimmer 2 and because i dont have the space For a sump it will go in the back corner of my 30 gallon on top of the sand ?

Tank Info :

30 gallon aquarium

30'' 150w compact flurescent light fixture

100 w heater (just in case)

20 lbs of dry rock (maybe ill add 10lbs more)

30 lbs of organic free dry rock (from reefcleaners)

Ps . My only filtration ill be the protein skimmer


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Actually your dry rock will become your main source of filtration. During the cycle the BB will build on the rock which will filter your tank. The protein skimmer will help but isn't a must on a tank that size. Weekly water changes are more important.

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