Skimmer and filtration

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 23, 2012
Alright finally BRS had the reef octopus bh 2000 hob back instock so I went ahead and ordered it for $180. My question is can I run just that on my 55g with two clownfish a chromie and a dottyback? Or should I use my aquaclear hob as as mechanical filtration?
The aquaclear will help get particulate matter out of the tank, larger pieces of food and debris that the skimmer wont catch. You can also use the AC to run gfo or carbon if you like
I have one running on my 20g now and had one on both my 29g and my 55g til I upgraded to a canister filter for the 55g. :)

Great filters, I use them for freshwater too. very versatile and cheap too. lol
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