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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 19, 2021
Hello everyone, I was just curious about what chemicals you need to add to your tap water for your tank, currently when I add fresh water I add my salt, ph adjuster, prime, and water conditioner. Is that all I need or do I need other chemicals, like minor and trace elements. I have a 37 gallon tank with a canister filter and hob filter but will soon be upgrading to a 125
I have the mater test kit and I also test for phosphate but don’t really know how to keep my phosphate and nitrate low besides water changes.
Nothing. Tap water isn't acceptable long term in saltwater in general. We use RO/DI water to ensure that we aren't putting in dissolved solids from the start when a level as small as 20 nitrates can start causing issues to sensitive invertebrates. The goal is to mimic the natural environment as best as possible, and adding chemicals doesn't do that. Nature figured it out a long time ago, it protein skims onto our shores as people play in the 'sea foam'. Algae grows off of high nitrate levels, it smothers corals but can be used to assist in nutrient management with algae turf scrubbers.
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