What is a good reef salt

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Nov 26, 2012
I am doing a sps tank with some softies and want to know what is a good kind of salt for a good price. With the right calcium, dkh, and magnesium.
I use Red Sea coral pro and like it. I used to use reef crystals and they were good too. They both mix out at decent levels for cal/alk/ and mag. But really there is no best salt.

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Never used seachem reef but reef crystals work fine :). Used them up until about 3 months ago and my tank is sps dominant

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Is cal 490 and dkh 13 for sps because that's what the reef crystals make? Or should I lower the dkh to like 10?
You aren't going to get those numbers right out of the can IME. Besides, when you do your water changes, you are only replacing part of the water. The entire system will not have these values.
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