Adding Gravel to your tank- a how to

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 27, 2012
When you have a tank, and need to replace your gravel, it may be a tricky mess. But with my advice, it should go smooth!

First, what you want to do, it rinse off your gravel. Be sure to rinse it off VERY well, or the color of the gravel will cloud the tank.
After you've rinsed off the gravel, put it aside and take out all of your aquarium decorations and all the fish you have in it.
After that, carefully pour the gravel in the tank, smooth it out. Then, you can add your decorations and fish back in your tank. Simple as that!

Just remember, you may need to replace your gravel every couple of years, because the gravel may fade over time and lose its color(s).
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