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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 22, 2005
nice pics i really like the german rams and i think i will get a couple of those. i want some angels and some discus how much of each would be ideal?
Discus are really not suited for the biotope...they require a lot more maintainance than all of the other fish combined. Stocking depends on the size of your tank. Mine is 75 gal...a little understocked at the moment but I have:

3 marble angels
4 German Blue Rams
4 corydoras julii
6 serpae tetras
4 lampeye tetras
1 sailfin pleco

i'll consider that but i really want the discus......since the tank is going to be a biotope what would be some good decoration and what kind of plants should i get?
read this entire thread if you are interested in German Rams

They can be a very delicate fish who need stable conditions at least for the first few months you have them (I'm not saying you can slack off on water changes after the initial introduction to your tank). They aren't quite as difficult as Discus though but do very well in the same water conditions. I suggest you check out Bolivian Rams. Much hardier, though not as colorful, but have loads of personality.

Angels are lots of fun too. They are pigs for attention, always greating you when you walk by (though I think they just want food). You could get a nice large school of a bigger species of tetras (neon tetras are natural food for angels).

What size tank are you getting/do you have? We can help you figure out the best setup as far as fish go (including information on Discus.)

Here is the thread about Discus

and a quick stats page on them as well:
I really think that the german blue rams would do much better if they had the same amont of maintaince given to them as discus.. It seems like a better match then what would be normaly though thats all...JMHO though.. :mrgreen:
most def, greenmagi. They do require a lot of attention and thrive under the same conditions as discus.
Discus, german blue rams, and rubber nose plecos.. what a bio-tope that would be!!!! Super Nice!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

This would not be for the faint of heart though.. I would recomend this setup to someone that had experiance and or great
instincts and skills if they were only had some experince.. So JC.. are you ready for your next SA bio-tope? :D :D
greenmagi said:
Discus, german blue rams, and rubber nose plecos.. what a bio-tope that would be!!!! Super Nice!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

This would not be for the faint of heart though.. I would recomend this setup to someone that had experiance and or great
instincts and skills if they were only had some experince.. So JC.. are you ready for your next SA bio-tope? :D :D

ROFL...I'm not finished with the one I have...but, thanks for nominating me greenmaji...I feel honored.

BTW - Those links you provided are dead on Rubysoho for anyone thinking about discus and/or German Blue Ram keeping.

unfamous said:
i'll consider that but i really want the discus......since the tank is going to be a biotope what would be some good decoration and what kind of plants should i get?

Another decision based on what type of lighting you will have. You need sufficient lighting to grow plants and keep them healthy. Also, dependent on lighting is whether you would want to use CO2 injection. Here is a little chart:

Low-light - Minimum of 1wpg - 1.5wpg (CO2 not needed)
Medium Light - Minimum of 1.5wpg - 2wpg (CO2 not required)
High light - over 2wpg (this will definitely require CO2 injection)

After this is decided, you can determine what plants you can keep by checking Here and checking the plant profiles list.


BTW - There are forums for each of the categories you are considering (plants, fish, etc.), you can get a ton of responses by posting in these forums. :)
the tank size is about 50 gallons and would love to use the high light but were can a i get an inexpensive co2 system? greenmagi- what6 are rubber nose plecos?
As JC was saying... there are far more experienced plant keepers that only look at the plant section.. so it would stand to reason it might be that way with some of the other sections.. DIY is that way as well Ive noticed..

*edit* do a search on the rubbernose pleco.. there are pictures posted in this forum! *edit*
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