How big should the tank be?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 10, 2006
A friend of mine moved and had to dispose of 2 dwarf cichlids....

So I decided to take em and since they're quite small I placed em with my 2 gouramis in a 15 gallons tank (extremely overcrowded now I know).

How big should the tank be for those 2 cichlids?
(kinda blackish with a yellow mouth and a reddish tail)
I will get the tank for them in a few days, there has been no fight between gouramis and cichlids until now.
Apistogrammas are great little fish. The Mongabay has great fish profiles.
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These cichlid are a far cry from their counterparts in South America. Measuring no more than 4.5" (11.5cm), these cichlids have rightfully earned their title of New World Dwarf Cichlids. These fish can be found in small streams and oxbow lakes throughout tropical South America. The largest group of Dwarf Cichlids are of the genus Apistogramma .More than 50 species make up this genus. Other fish included in the category of Dwarf Cichlids are Microgeophagus ( Papiliochromis) species. Many other genera are included in this group, although they are not included in this book.
SIZE : Dwarf Cichlids range in size from 1-4.5" (2.5-11.5 cm).
TANK : Most Dwarf Cichlids are content in a tank measuring 24" (61 cm) with a capacity of20 gallons (75 L), although some species requires more space.Since these cichlids often inhabit overgrown, rainforest streams and lakes, heavy vegetation should be included in the tank. Provide many hiding places with small "forests," rocks, roots, and wood; as many Dwarf Cichlids are shy. The lighting should be dim and there should be a partial cover of floating plants because these species frequently live in shaded areas. The filter should create little water disturbance. Leave open swimming areas and use a dark substrate.
WATER : Most Dwarf Cichlids inhabit soft acidic blackwater. The recommended values are as follows :a pH from 5.5-6.8, a water hardness from 0-8 dH, and a temperature from 75-84°F (24-29°C). Although some species can tolerate wider variances, nearly all Dwarf Cichlids are sensitive to changes in water chemistry. Many species prefer peat filtration.
SB : Dwarf Cichlids are, for the most part, shy and peaceful. Each fish will establish a favorite spot (cave, overturned flowerpot) and will defend it against other fish. Dwarf Cichlids can be combined with each other and small schooling fish of the upper swimming levels. Most Apistogramma form harems, thus it is necessary to keep one male with several females.
SC :Dwarf Cichlids can be combined with other small fish that can tolerate black water conditions. Small, schooling species of the upper swimming such as tetras, pencilfish, and hatchetfish are excellent companions. Dwarf Cichlids can also be combined with small catfish like Corydoras and Loricarids. However, around spawning times, catfish should be removed as Apistogramma species have been observed picking out the eyes of the catfish in their efforts to protect their brood. Some aquariasts combine Dwarf Cichlids with Discus.
FOOD : Dwarf Cichlids require a varied diet including live foods in order to thrive. Livefoods such as Brine Shrimp, Cyclops , Daphnia , Bloodworms , mosquito larvae, Tubifex can be fed. Some species may accept flakes.
B : In most cases, soft acidic water (pH 5.5-6.5, dH 0-4) is needed for spawning. Make frequent partial water changes and feed the fish a variety of live foods to bring them in to top condition. The eggs are deposited on the underside of a rock or flowerpot. The eggs hatch in 2-5 days and the young are free-swimming 4-6 days later. The female will guard the young and parade them around the tank. The delicate fry can be raised on small Daphnia , Artemia nauplii, and roftiers.
BP : 8.Dwarf Cichlids are challenging to breed.
R : Dwarf Cichlids are highly sensitive to water pollutants and medications. Itis important to make frequent partial water changes as a result of their sensitivity. Many of these species have wide distribution, thus many color morphs are known. Occasionally males will assume the coloring of females so as not to be considered as rivals over territory. These males are then able to mate with the females of another male's harem when he is not present.
DC : 6.Many of these species are delicate and require live foods. Dwarf Cichlids are not recommended for beginners.
When I had apistos, I treated them to microworms, frozen foods, flakes and veggies and found they were fairly easy to care for in an established tank.
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