New 75 gallon and filter questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2011
Hey, I just bought a 75 gallon aquarium with stand, fluorescent lights and canopy for 250$! At my lfs, that would have costed around 500$, so I'm excited about that. :)
Anyways, I don't have a filter yet and was going to order on off of, so which would be some good filters for a 75 gallon? I'm open to suggestions!

God Bless!

Depending on what you plan to keep, an AquaClear 110 should do the job nicely, at less cost than a cannister. In addition, it is much easier to keep clean, and can be done weekly with the water change. As well there are no ongoing costs for media, as the sponge insert last for many years and the bio rings pretty much forever. The only drawback is that you need space behind the tank for the filter.
Thanks :)
I was thinking about doing a South American biotope, if that changes anything.

Thanks again!
Make sure to go to amazon for that filter Fishdude. At stores the AC50's are like 50$..

On amazon the AC110's are 60$ :)
Thanks for all the help! I have decided to get a AquaClear 110, thanks again for all the advice! :)

God Bless!
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