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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 15, 2002
Fargo, ND

I'm not really all that sure where to post since my tank is brackish, but here will do just as well as there. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tyler, and I'm a newcomer to the world of fish geekness. I dabbled in it for a couple years, but I'm about a month into more serious aquaria. I'm only running one tank at the present (I had two, but my five sprung a leak of some sort. My two year old albino cory cat and his tank mates had to be moved into a foster tank (friend's tank) while i could figure out what is going on). My only running tank is a ten gallon (a freebie to hold me off until I get twenty(another freebie(I like parenthesis))) with one Green Spotted Puffer and two fiddler crabs (to be moved into the five once I figure out what its deal is(crabs only, it's going to be sweet(parenthesis!(i'm a nerd)))). Moses, the puffer, is probably the coolest fish I've ever met. I'll get a picture of him and his tank as soon as I go get a digi.

Just as a note I have a green spotted Puffer in a fresh water tank,about a month now and doing very well.The vote is out as far as I can tell wether these are fresh or truly brakish.I agree tho, very cool fish loves to play hide and seek,great personality.By the way My puffers name is Mordecai,couple of Biblical fish huh :D
As far as I've read, they can live from fresh to full marine, being happiest in brackish water. My SG is sitting around 1.008 right now, and Moses is happy as can be.
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