suggestions? ---- stocking 50 gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 5, 2011
hey guys im getting a 3 foot tank (50 gallon) and i was just wonder if you could give me a few suggestions on what you would put in it i've got a pet shop that deals with only fish bred in aussie and his kill rate is 0 but hes a lil umm over excited about it? i dunno i got pumpped with all this info and it was a lil much to take it all in i was thinking tetra size maybe rasboras, barbs but i like guppies mollies and platys too... so im kinda stuck so im hoping some one can give me a few options on wat to do and ill just choose :D

cheers amy
If this is your first tank I would stick with hardy varieties of tetras and rasboras. Once you get the hang of it, you can always begin keeping fish that require more effort and experience.

I'd avoid most varieties of barbs at first, just because most can be a little nippy with the gentler fish.

Platys and guppies are easy to keep too, but are livebearers, so you will have to make decisions regarding the fry, which makes some newcomers to the hobby a little nervous. I'd avoid mollies, as they are actually a brackish fish, not fresh water, though some varieties can acclimate.

This is just my opinion of course, being as you asked :)

They are great starter fish and you can always get into t
its not my first tank its just my first big tank :D ive had a little 1 foot (25 litre) and ive had guppys sharks and barbs before but its only ever been 1 sort of fish at a time just thought i'd try something a little harder this time i saw in some guys video he had a ADF i LOVE that idea but i'm still trying to work out what fish to get i want to get a full on busy (but not over crowded) community tank
Schools of 6+ tetras and rasboras look good in longer tanks. If you like barbs, look at cherry or five-banded barbs. They're pretty peaceful and five-banded barbs give the look of tiger barbs, but they stay small and they're not aggressive.
awesome thanks but what sort of feature fish? like angels or blue rams or pearl grourami?
You could do any of those fish in a 50g. A male betta is also an option if you don't have nippy fish.
You could do any of those fish in a 50g. A male betta is also an option if you don't have nippy fish.

I keep my male beta with a school of neon tetras and a couple platys. I've never had any aggression issues with these guys. My (late) ADF could get a little nippy around feeding time, so be aware of that if you are considering adding one of them to your community.

i was reading somewhere that you could feed the ADF with a turkey baster to make sure theres no problems with it. I went thru all the fish that i like that have about the same pH and temp (2 pages) i throught i'd take it to a aquarium shop and see what they say can go in together. i think its a 40 gal not a 50 :p
I wouldn't do angel fish as they get to be big, 6inches or bigger, and they will eat your smaller fish. such a shame really because they are such beautiful fish! also, angels like to have tall plants to live in
I would skip the ADFs in that size tank. IMO they are better suited for smaller tanks that don't have alot of fish in them so you can be sure they eat.

For a busy colorful tank you could have a couple schools of 10-14 tetras or rasboras of your choice, some Cories for the bottom and if you want a single Angel or a pair of Rams. You'd still have room for a handful of Otos or a small pleco too.

For the schooling fish Harlequin Rasboras, black neons, rummynose tetras, flame tetras, lemon tetras, and pristella tetras would all be fine and safe with an Angel.
I would skip the ADFs in that size tank. IMO they are better suited for smaller tanks that don't have alot of fish in them so you can be sure they eat.

For a busy colorful tank you could have a couple schools of 10-14 tetras or rasboras of your choice, some Cories for the bottom and if you want a single Angel or a pair of Rams. You'd still have room for a handful of Otos or a small pleco too.

For the schooling fish Harlequin Rasboras, black neons, rummynose tetras, flame tetras, lemon tetras, and pristella tetras would all be fine and safe with an Angel.

IMO? OTOs :S I've got a 2 page list of all the fish i really really like and i figured i'd put a few ideas on wat to put in it and ill show the forum and see wat you all think :D
If you go with Angels and mix with tetras, remember Angels are in the cichlid family and could get aggressive with the smaller fish when the Angels get bigger.
if that happens ill take him out and put him in a different tank but in saying that ive seen alot of tanks with angels with smaller fish (bigger angels) and its gone fine :) but ill be acting with caution with everything
I do have an Angel fish with 7 rummy nose tetras, and 6 golden minows, and they are all happy. But I put them together when the Angel fish was small. My suggestion is to add your Angel small, so he will "learn" to live with the small fish.
Obviously there is always a risk, but so far is working for me.
i want to get all my fish when they are small :D im hoping to get all of them as babies
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