Tiger barb & Neon Tetras - HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 22, 2021
Hi all! I am new in the aquarium world. I have been struggling the past few weeks to keep some fish alive and I really need some help. I originally purchased a 3 gallon tank for 1 tiger barb and 3 neon tetras. I now have 1 tetra remaining. Once they died I realized I completely over crowded them and it's possible the water was not prepared enough. :(

Fast forward to today.... I am wanting the same types of fish and I am wondering if a 10 gallon will be enough? Can I prepare a 10 gallon with the appropriate sized heater/ filter with water conditioner and water balance for these 4 fish? Do I need a larger tank or more fish(since I know they're schooling)? How long do I need to cycle before adding fish? How much water do you remove when doing tank cleanings, and how often should you clean?

Any other tips for what i may be doing wrong is appreciated. Super bummed these 3 passed :(


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Tiger barbs should be 6 minimum and 20g minimum tank size. Neon tetras would be ok in a 10g tank, better in a 20g and again 6 minimum. So if you want to keep both a 20g could support a small school of each.

How long to cycle? As long as it takes. Do you know how to cycle a tank? Fishless cycle typically takes 3 to 8 weeks. A fish in cycle, you can add some fish straight away and then build up your stock slowly over a few months.

How much water to change? Typically do a weekly water change, enough to keep nitrate beloe 40ppm.
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