Water Conditioner

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 14, 2009
I'm all out of water conditioner until this Friday I cleaned the tan Sunday,and I added too much food today so I did a small plant pot worth of water change less than half a gallon,and I still had the bottle so when I refilled the water back in i just used the water conditioner bottle and poured water in in and then emptied it back to the pot and then in to my tank I was trying to scape the rest of the conditioner from the side of the hoping it would kill the chlorine is this safe?
The clorine wont be a problem. Chlorine will leave the water within 24 hours.

I think you will be ok until friday.

Although, let this be a lesson not to run out!
You should just check on how much water conditionar you have before you change the water for next time. This is just a lesson to learn from.
I think you'd be ok. Chlorine will evaporate, but chloramine won't. I think you got enough conditioner out to neutralize it though.
If your pwc is less than 10% of the water volume, you should be fine. Chloramines are used occasionally at low doses to treat diseases, so a little bit won't kill anyone.
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