Which fish to relocate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 16, 2015
Detroit, MI
Hi everyone. I have a way overstocked 29 gal long tank. (3 lemon tetras, 4 male guppies, 2 gold dojos, 2 salt & pepper corys, 2 panda corys, 2 zebra danios, 1 zebra loach, 1 gae, 2 ruby platies, 4 or 5 ghost shrimp.) I know that is way more fish than should be in there. I have somehow been making it work. So I have a 10 gal tank that I want to move some of them to. I am just looking for some input.

On a not unrelated note one of my Zebra danios is super pregnant and has been for quite some time, upwards of 2 months. I don't know what I should do to motivate her to drop those little ones. I had her in the small tank by herself for a while but that didn't seem to help. I'm kind of at a loss for what to do with the smaller tank. What do you guys think would be the best use of it?
They dont get pregnant. They are egg scatterers. Move the guppies and the shrimp to the 10gl.

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Thanks. The loaches are babies still. I figure I've got some time.

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I would rehome the zebra loach as well, actually. They're slow-growing but need groups of 5 to be happy. Sometimes loaches kept by themselves will become aggressive to other fish. And a group of 5 would massively overstock your tank as it is right now.

Then just add more to your other groups of fish (increase tetras, danios and corydoras to 5 of each) and you'll be ok on stocking IMO.
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