White Algae??? Please help.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2015
I have had my tank up and running for just over 4 weeks now. 10 gallon tank, with a Top Fin 10 filter, 5 plants, sand substrate, and basic LED lighting. Cycled with 5 Zebra Danios. There are 5-6 ghost shrimp and a couple small pond snails. The other day I added 3 Spotted Cories (I am done stocking).

Everything seems to be going great, except every once in a while (every week or so for the last two weeks) I notice white feather-like substance on the walls of the tank and on the plants. It comes right off when you hit it with a squgee.

Is this anything to be concerned about or just a type of algae?

I had a similar problem for a while. found that when i reduced the amount of food i was feeding it gradually went away
White stuff is usually a fungus or mold. Does it have a slippery/slimy texture. I don't believe it's harmful to the fish... just unsightly.
See if you can figure out what it's growing on. If it's uneaten food, then you just need to cut back on feedings.

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Thanks. It is kind of slimy. Very small, but like I said featherlike. I have cut back on feeding hoping that helps.
I have been told that is cyanobacteria, harmless to fish and some fish and snail/shrimp will even eat it. Everytime I put my driftwood in the water it starts covering it in about a day. So I just have kept my driftwood out for the time being until I can get it figured out for sure. I've been suggested to use chemi clear to treat it but I don't want to mess my BB up or harm my fish/shrimp/snails....
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