Duncan Coral Not Opening

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 10, 2012
Am I just being to impatient? I went to the lfs last Saturday, the 1st I believe, and got a tiny duncan for my pico. I drip and temp acclimated, and the most expansion of it I've notice is some of the tentacles come out but not fully inflate. It looked great at the lfs. When I turn on the nighttime blue LEDs, the tissue glows green in each head. This thing is tiny. Is there anything wrong with him? I don't check params, but everything is open. I have 2 sexy shrimp, one porcelain crab, green star polyps, candy cane coral, 5 mushrooms, blue sympodium, and a small bubble tip anemone. The salinity is 1.022. Thanks!

That's definitely a Duncan they light moderate flow from what I have found and also medium to high light
Thanks. I have him at the top of the tank closest to the light, and there's decent flow.
try moving him around to see what position he likes. mine opened fully after I moved him to a lower flow area. he also could be struggling with light acclimation because the lights at te lfs could have been dimmer. I would try to move him much lower at first. then slowly acclimate him upwards to get used to the intensity
I would say stick him on the sand bed, or just lower.
The light might not be to his liking, and ive found that with lps less light is better than too much.
Ok. He's on the sand bed. I really hope he recovers. How long do you guys think it might take for him to open with less light?
at least overnight. I would just leave him with lights off until tomorrow, then turn in the lights and see what happens after a few hours
Sadly, no. :/ I don't think it's dead, because it still glows under the blue LEDs, and I haven't seen either of my sexy shrimp picking at him. *knock on wood*
Honestly, I've never checked. I'm kinda nervous too if they are bad. I might have to do some water changes if so. I'll post back after I check them.
okay! high nitrates would make it unhappy so watch for that.
High Range pH - 8.0

Ammonia - 0ppm

Nitrite - 0ppm

Nitrate - 30ppm!!!

Holy crap!!! Bring on the water change.
well on the plus side your tank is very well established haha hence the zero ammonia and nitrites
:3 I did a 30ish percent water change, so I'm sure it is better, being only four gallons and all. :p
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