dying sexy shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 21, 2011

I've been looking after my friend's fishtank while he's away.
Didn't have a problem until now, one his 3 sexy shrimps seems to be dying...
I found it this morning lying at the bottom of the fish tank on its side, I thought it was dead but I could see it moving a bit... now it managed to find a plant and it's holding onto it but still at the bottom at the fish tank and not looking as healthy as the other 2. I'm really not sure what to do. The water is at 26 degrees, I've fed them like my friend advised me to do. The other shrimps and fish seem to be doing fine. I read that they can live up to 5 years and that sexy shrimp is much less than that. Thanks for any help you can give me. I never thought looking after a fish tank could be that stressful!
I always assume people will understand but it's not necessarily clear so I should have specified it :)
Just keep feeding it and make sure it gets food and hope for the best! :) Tell us how he does. I hope eh gets better!
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