Help With Blue Tang

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 4, 2003
South Carolina
I put a new blue tang in my tank 7 days ago. The first day he swam around a little but frequently retreated to the rocks when my sailfin tang (who thinks he owns the tank) harassed him. Since then the blue tang stays almost exclusively hidden in the rocks, it come out just a few inches every now and then. While in the rocks he usually is positioned head down with his tail toward the top (almost verticle). It still looks completely healthy but I have never seen it eat at all. The sailfin does not seem to be paying any attention to the newby and is not chasing it back when it does venture out. Any thoughts?
I worry that it's not eating, but I think the hidding is normal. When I first got mine, I think it was a good week or 2 before it started coming out. Now after 8 months Its always out swimming around.
Sam said:
I would worry about two tangs in the size tank you have. Seems kinda small for the two of them. Remember they do get territorial. HTH

Agreed, I hope there is a larger tank in you future. Both of these fish get very large.
Hippo tangs can be very shy, It can take some time for him to come out. Also, did you qt him? They are very susceptible to parasitic infections and being stressed makes them more so. I would watch him carefully, especially if he's not eating.
Keep us posted. :wink:
I agree with everyone on tank size. 65 gal. is a bit cramped for two tangs. If theyare both smal now you can get by for a while. As for eating...what type of food are you feeding? I would recommend hanging nori or sea weed salad in the tank for the tangs to graze on. Also, you can try soaking some froozen algea in something like "garlic extreme" to boot appitite of the tang. Try a variety of foods to see what it likes. Good luck...Lando
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