quarantine help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 15, 2013
I've got a 55 gallon and a 120 gallon.. never had a quarantine before (I know stupid me).. but I had recently added an anthias to my 120 and he ended up with a cloudy eye and ich. He ended up dying and after he died my sailfin tang and rock beauty angel ended up covered in ich and my Koran angel has cloudy eyes.. so I went out and bought a 40 gallon tank and filled it with water from the 120 gallon so I didn't have to worry about acclamation. I put the 3 sick fish in there.. I had to put a thin line of sand on the bottom because my sailfin was freaking out at his reflection on the bottom. Gona get a couple PVC and right now it's just got a couple plastic plants in it. None of my other fish show any signs of ich or anything. But isn't it still in the water? Don't want to treat my fish just to put them back into ich.. I read tanks have to be fishless for 6-8 weeks to get rid of ich from the rocks.. is that true?.. and was wondering if you guys thought I could put all my fish into my 55 leave my 120 empty for 8 weeks and then put my sailfin and Koran and rock beauty back in the 120 and then slowly start moving a few fish at a time and treat them in quarantine then put them back in the 120 until my original fish are back where they belong and then never ever ever not quarantine again!

In the 120 I have a black spot cardinal, bangaai cardinal, 2 clowns, a banana wrasse, tribal blenny, mandarin goby and a blue eye kole tang I'd have to put in the 55
In my 55 I have an arc eye hawkish, a pajama cardinal and a bristletooth tang. Yea I know bristletooths need more room but he had been in a LFS for 3 months in this 5 gallon and I felt bad for him so I bought him and didn't wana try putting him in the 120 with the sailfin and kole tang. Thought they would gang up on him.. he's pretty small.. the kole tang is also pretty small. Maybe 2 inches. The biggest fish I have is the wrasse which is about 4 inches long. What do y'all think? Any advice is helpful.. thanks and sorry its so much to read
Now my kole tang in the 120 has ich on him.. idk wat to do.. I don't want to stress all my fish out moving them to the other tank. Just to move them to the quarantine in 6 weeks then back to the 120 in another few weeks. Would that be too much on them? All the fish I have I've had anywhere between a month to a few years and had been healthy and eating great and I don't wanna cause any of them to die because of this.
I'm sorry to hear about your fish. I can't offer any help other than to encourage you to do what you already have decided to do: remove them all And treat them in quarantine. I would treat ALL fish. Even those that aren't showing any signs of sickness.

I'm going through a similar thing right now. Not certain it is ick. But now a second fish has ragged fins. I'm gonna remove the all and treat them all in 2 QTs so I can keep the fighters in separate tanks. Got it all set up tonight. I'm sure tomorrow will be interesting when I try to catch them!
If you have any inverts in this tank hypo will kill them as well as copper. Your tank has to remain fallow for 4 to 6 weeks to rid it of the ich. All your fish in the dt more then likely will come down with ich if left untreated. If your not to experienced I wouldn't try to do hypo I'd prefer copper for you cause its much easier to maintain. Good luck
I'm possibly facing the same problem. I've never heard of hypo salinity treatment. What is that?
I'm possibly facing the same problem. I've never heard of hypo salinity treatment. What is that?
Hypo salinity is when you lower the salinity to 1.009 slowly until you reach that level ich can't survive at that level but you need a refractometer to do it correctly. I personally prefer using cupramine which is a copper based med. its also a milder form of copper which is easier on the fish. Neither of these treatments should be done in your dt as they both will kill any inverts you may have.
Ok. It's settled I want to move all my fish and keep my display tank empty for a couple months.. I have 3 total tanks.. can I leave my choc chip starfish and crabs and snails in the 120 while it's going fishless for a while? Or should I take them out? Right now I have a 37 gallon quarantine that has a juvenile Koran, a decent sized black spot cardinal and a pajama cardinal. It has 2 filters on it. My 55 has a bristletooth tang and arch eye hawkish. Has a fluval canister rated for 70 gallon tanks. My 120 has sailfin tang which is decent sized bcuz I've had him for about 4 months, a rock beauty also decent sized both of those about 4". A blue eye kole tang only about 2 inches, a pretty big mandarin goby(which I've never seen ich on and read they can't get ich bcuz of some toxin in their mucous? Is this true?) Pretty good sized bangaai cardinal.. had him a few years, and a banana wrasse and 2 clowns.. I ant to know if the 37 is too small to add the rock beauty and kole tang to it and if the 55 is too small to add the bangaai, sailfin tang, mandarin, clownfish and wrasse.
And can these fish be in these tanks for at least 2 months? Going to leave the 120 empty for 2 months and leave these sets of fish in those tanks during that time.. then I was going to move those fish out of the 37 back into the 120 gallon and move some fish out of 55 into the 37 treat them then move them to 120 after a month of treatment then move the rest or whatever out of 55 to the 37 treat for a month then move them to the 120 then leave the 55 empty for 2 months and start all over on that tank and then just not add any to the 120 cuz think that wud be enough in there
You use all of these together? I was planning on ordering prazipro for the Koran and cardinals but it said don't use with other medicines but it was ok for you?
Ok. Do u have any advice on if my fish will be ok in the smaller tanks until this is all done with? I just wanna get rid of this crap and never see it again.. I'm tired of seeing none for a while then it flares up really really bad then gets a little better than flares up again then goes away.. I don't even do anything to my tanks. The temp stays around the same always.. I do like 30% water changes once a month and about 10% every week or so..that's about all I do.. all my fish are still eating good.. I just don't understand why they flare up with ich out of nowhere all the time.
That's why you need a QT never know what new fish is carrying I have been there that's why I QT all my fish now. I have a 55gal QT and also a 20gal. 55 for the big guys and 20 for the little guys.
Yes thanks but I know.. I have a quarantine now but I always read ich was always in the system and usually fish get over it an build up immunities and blah blah.. I've learned from my mistakes. Now I want to quarantine everything and get rid of it all and get it out of my 120 gallon and then trust me I will always quarantine but as of right now it's too late for that. So just need someone's opinion on if my fish will be ok in the smaller tanks or not.
Ich is not always in the system. It is introduced from someone elses system. Let me know if you need some good informational links on ich.
Ok after responding with that I went ahead and went to the link you posted.. I read where it said it should be at least 20% of the main tanks volume.. and said 30 gallon quarantine for a 150 gallon main tank. So I'm guessing mine are ok? But is this talking about if your only quarantining one fish at a time?
In the last few days I've read a ton of things about ich. This is why I have decided I want to do this to get rid of it.
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