Zoas and palys not opening fully...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Parameters spot on, ammo, trite and trate at least. 1.026, 78.3 degrees. Been like this since my last 5% water change on my 40 breeder...

Any input? I did move some rock around and the position of my mp10 during that change too...

My hammer and trumpet seems perfect, but also my BTA seems slightly deflated... As do I from 65 hour work weeks lol.

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What kind of salt mix? Do you test for alk/cal values? What kind of flow is on them? What kind of lighting? RO/DI water?

Sorry for the questions but everyone starts by saying their water parameters are perfect, but their coral won't open. Lots of factors can cause this. If they are new additions it may take up to a week or more for them to adjust. Give us a bit more data so we can help better.
Thanks Greg and Chin. I gotcha... I don't have test kits for alk at this time. Mag WAS high as I was eradicating bryopsis. But I haven't dosed in weeks. I did however, recently change my salt from IO to Red Sea Coral pro. Could the higher trace element content be a factor? I will be bringing in a water sample to my LFS to test for alk this weekend as I am picking up some more coral...
Flow = random reef crest mode from mp10.

Lighting = Taotronic dimmable blue and white 100% and 60% respectively.

Have not tested calc either.
These came from a tank with LED lighting as well.. Should I turn the whites down to 50% for the time being?
Barely budged the lighting, but did a 25% water change yesterday. Here they are today... Definitely more open.

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Here is my theory: I had a FOWLR for months and used the Instant Ocean mix. I'm guessing that the elements were not as concentrated as the tank these frags came from. Possibly, coincidently they began to close the same day as my initial water change that I noticed them closing. I'm using Red Sea Coral pro since I added corals... Could this be the case? I never tested alkalinity or calcium.
So calcium is at 375, and alk is at 9.5. Would the low calcium cause the closing up?
Probably not. It can slow down Stoney coral growth, but I doubt it could cause polyp retraction. My system runs best with a alk of about 9, so you're close there as well. Keep up using the higher quality salt mix and see what happens.

High nitrate and/or phosphate levels will close up polyps.
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