Can fish get Vitamin D from the sun?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 3, 2009
Ok, no laughing! Vitamin D is something everyone needs and fish are an excellent source I'm told. That makes me wonder how do they get it? Can they get it from the sun? That would mean they would need to be near the surface alot or be warm water fish. So is it good to put your goldfish in a sunny windown or not? Too much warmth from the sun? I'm not a fish person just someone curious? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks again.
I have no idea how they produce vitamin D. But having a tank by a window is an invitation for a ton of algae.

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I would not think so ....

Vit. D is made when UV rays penetrates the skin & react with cholesterol. UV don't penetrate water well. As fish don't normally sit on the surface, it is unlikely that a mechanism for Vit D production based on UV rays would have evolved.

<BTW, putting a tank next to a window won't work even if fish can synthesize Vit D from UV. Glass absorb pretty much all UV rays. That 's the reason we can't get Vit D just sitting next to the window in winter!>
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