Congo tetra with white mouths.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 4, 2009

From what I've read I understand that congo tetra are prone to mouth fungus however I don't know how to treat it. Opinion seems to differ as to whether this is a bacterial or fungal infection.

Any thoughts?

At the moment the fish are fine, eating well and their colours are great. I've only had them a couple of days and they came from the fish shop like this. Unfortunately, I didn't notice until I got them home!

Advice on a treatment plan would be greatly appreciated.
They probably injured their mouths from dashing against things in the dealer's tank.....If it were me, I would get the water quality as good as possible with a temp between 78 and 80*F....Watch them closely for changes and don't medicate unless you are absolutely certain of the disease......

Contact the dealer where you got them and ask if any of the other fish have this and if any have died......The worse case senario is columnaris.
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