Feeding Medicated food Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
Okay, I know that it says on the bottle don't give them any other food other than the medicated food for 3 weeks but is there anyway you can like put it in something to trick them into eating it like a dog or cat because my betta keeps spitting it out and I break it up so she can eat it but she just goes after a few times before spitting it out...

could I like just like...stick it in a small bit of peas or something cuz I know she'll eat that X.x but she's hungry and I don't want to keep playing I don't wanna take the medicine game a few days down the road and after a week I don't want her to be starting to starve herself.
I've never tried it but I have read that soaking food in garlic can sometimes help fish fight parasites and boost appetite. Is the medication for parasites? Not sure about hiding medicated flakes in peas.....I wonder if it would work?
I am guessing you are using the Jungle Brand Medicated food? After you crush it a little try soaking it. I crush it in a spoon and then add a few drop of water and let that sit for like 5 minutes. The trick here is to only use a couple drops of water. You want to soften the food, but not rinse out the meds. If he still wont take it, then use a frozen Bloodworm cube. Melt the cube and use the bloody water that melts off of it to re-hydrate the food.

If that still does not work, then perhaps make your own medicated food. The jungle food/meds are either the anti-bacterial type (which contains Sodium sulfathiazole and nitrofurazone) or the anti parasite type which contains (Metronidazole, Praziquantel, and Levimasole). These are medications which are readily available. So depending on what you are treating you can get the same medications and mix then with his favorite food (which if he is like my Betta was, that favote food is live fruitflys).
Crush the desired amount of medication and food together, add a very little water to make a thick paste. Roll that into little balls and let it dry a bit (or not). I have seen suggestion to use plain gelatin to help hold it together. I have not needed to do this myself (add gelatin that is).
It's the pellet internal parasite medication from Jungle...I don't have bloodworm cubes and I don't have the money to buy any X.x

Some of that food is still floating and sogged in her water and she still refuses to eat it... I crushed a couple up and gave it to her and I think she only swallowed two tiny midget pieces.

O_O;; I have no idea where to find any of that stuff...
I just tried grinding the pellets so they're little crumbs and then took a bit of the soft part of the peas and molded it together. She's at least eating SOME of it now. X.x it's an improvement...

I'm also noticing that her skin is healing over the gaping hole, at least that's what it looks like but it's hard to tell, but I'm hopeful X.x
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