Ick Outbreak Help Needed

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
The tank is heavily planted and lots of rocks, a med. driftwood with sand blasting sand, 35 gal. Has been stable for 6 months when I put it up with 1 month seeded filter media and seeded decorative stones.

The Cardinal Tetras seem to be the problem as they are covered with Ich.

Harlequin Rasbora, a couple guppies, three Blackskirts, three Otos, 1 Pearl Gourami.

Was just getting ready to put them into my new 72 gal tank next week. :facepalm:

I just turned up the heater to 84F was 79F. I

Have snails Amano shrimp (so no copper/heavy metals) and Cories, 2 bronze or Green and 2 Emerald Brochis - know the Cories don't care for the salt. Used to use 1 tsp per gallon. When I got the Cories, I stopped using salt, 10 months ago.

Haven't had Ich for 12 years. I have to go to work this afternoon through late evening, so I won't get home til 11 or so.

If the water temp is up to 84F at midnight, should I raise it up to 88F then 12 hours later up to 89 or even 90F???

Any help would be appreciated. I read I can use Maricide. Can't tell for sure if it is safe for inverts.
Seachem Paraguard is what I use.

1 degree every 4 hours is how to raise temp. I have salt in my tank with Cory's and they are fine. Electrolytes are good for them
Seachem site just stated that is unable to state it is safe for all inverts, but they would not hesitate to use it themselves, in their experience and it contains no copper.
Have had the temp up at 87/ 88F.

So far none of the other fish got it.

Three Cardinals were covered. The worst one just like he was a sugar plum rolled in sugar! They now have just a few spots, the heavily covered one/ three times as much as the other two and just a couple with one or two dots left.

Hoping the temp can keep them from reproducing. I will be doing numerous pwc with sand vacuuming, over the course of the next few weeks in hopes of cleaning as much as I can.

It looks like only one may have died, just by the way he looked very stressed and sick. I can't really tell as there are so many swimming around. My count/estimate is basically the same as before they got sick. :dance:
Kordon ich attack is what I use. Safe for inverts and plants. Worked for me
Temp alone worked fine for me, clown loaches don't do salt so 31C/88F and left it there for a week or so after last spot vanished. Do have uv built into canister filter tho so that probably helped and just did regular PWC's to keep water clean as possible.
Thanks all!

I have a UV unit which was given to me for a 46G tank. It is in storage and I don't know if it is right for my tank. I worry about the BB, as what I have been reading says that is a problem for planted tanks.

Good to know to keep the tank heat up, I hadn't got to a decision on that yet, I might go for 14 days, the fish seem active and doing alright.
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