im freaked out!! another rasbora dead...HELP

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I lost a rasbora. Went to feed the fish this morning and one of my baby rasboras was dead!! It really frustrates me when a fish dies for no apparent reason. I am setting up my hospital tank tonight. I want to get my cory outta there (he is having a fin problem) just incase there are some bad germies floating around.
The water parameters are most important. And...How long has your tank been set up? And have you added any fish recently?
yesterday when one of them died I thought, oh well, it was a new one so maybe it was already sick or something. this morning one of my older rasboras was dead. I am pulling my hair out! My water tests fine, no ammo no nitrites, nitrates between 20 and 40ppm. I am doing a 30% water change(as we speak), vac'd the gravel a bit. I see NO signs of illness other than my cory whos fins are in bad shape, but it doesn't seem to be bacterial. The only other thing I can think of is the new angel fish. Could it have carried something from the store to make my other fishies sick? Do I just keep doing water changes? I dont want to start dumping in meds but what if all my fish die?? what do I dooooooo? Oh oh, I know people will ask, my tank has been up and running with fish for about a month and a half.
Looking at them now, one of the rasboras looks sorta washed out. the black isn't as black as the others. I would post pics but its not something you could see with the camera I have. Its pretty subtle. I cant tell if it may be covered in a whitish film or if the color is faded away. My husband remarked that one that died before looked like its color was faded. a symptom of something?
These fish were probably ill before you broght them home. Did you QT them before introducing them to the tank?

I am going to merge the two threads to keep everything together.
It could be that one of them was ill, but they have been in the tank for about 2 weeks. Why would they suddenly be dropping dead?
That may have been the disease's incubation time. Most people will recommend QT for 2-4 weeks before adding to the main tank.
You need to remove those rasboras ASAP.
I have a hospital tank set up. I was going to use it for my corys damaged fins, I bought some melafix for him. do you think I could put them all in together?
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