Kuhli loaches dying one by one, what's happening?!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 11, 2013
So I've had three khuli's for around three years, and just recently bought two more a few weeks ago. I lost one of the originals about a week and half ago to the same thing that I just found in another older one.

I did a water change less than a week ago, it's a 30g with guppies, a bnp, a clown pleco and Malaysian trumpet snails. It's like they just have it happen overnight, but I can't always tell whose who when they come out except the bigger ones are the older ones.

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Awe that looks a little sad. :(

Looks almost like an infected wound. But I see you have sand which should be fun for them...

Might be some sort of tumor from old age? There are much more experienced people here than I but I have 5 Kuhlis :)

I love my fish!!!
You may have introduced something (bacterial) into the tank with the most recent addition. I really cannot recommend anything medication wise (no experience with anything other than Ich). Hopefully someone will chime in with a solution.

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I know, it almost looks like bite wounds but I can't imagine the plecos are doing it, they're not starving and it just started. Nothing is wrong with the rest of the fish, the only thing I can think of is that they're scraping against something in the driftwood hunk and then it gets infected?
It died yesterday, the others seem fine so far.
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