My snail is floating - but he's not dead

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2007
Greensboro, NC
I have a snail in my tank that started floating more than week ago. When I take him out, he doesn't smell bad, and if I touch his foot, he retracts; so I can tell that he's alive. But if he doesn't eat something soon, then I'm sure he'll die.

What can I do?


It's not uncommon for snails to float. They can control the amount of air they hold in their bodies, which makes them more buoyant. He may be eating when you're not around, but try target feeding. Sinking foods like shrimp pellets or algae wafers are always enjoyed by my snails. Snails can also float on the surface and syphon feed. They suck water through and eat things floating in the water.
I agree with theotheragentm, when he feels like dropping he will drop and I'm sure he is eating. But like was said, try enticing it with maybe some lettuce or a green, or shrimp pellets or algae wafers.
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