Neon tetra disease?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 2, 2011
Hi, as some of you might have noticed I've been Losing my boraras brigittae /merah over the past 3wks. I have read numerous illnesses and have wondered if my guy's are dying from NTD?
My tank is a 30g with them is shrimp.
Parameters ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate under 5. PH 7.2 temp 24.5
Symptoms start with isolating themselves, stopping eating, they go milky white (no fungus ) a couple with a pale grey patch on them. stomach looks swollen bulges slightly, slight curve to the body and tail rot? Clamped fins.
By the time I find them and remove them they die. Or I have had to euthanize.
Any help would be much appreciated, as I haven't a clue where to go with these guy's and I don't want to lose them all. Sorry can't get a pic I'll try they're just so small.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
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Was wondering if it was coming into summer your way?

Also I didn't think you had added anything for some time?

If there was a bit of gradual pop-eye the book I have suggested bacterial infection which the fin rot and grey patches on the fish would suggest to me as well (at least in part).

If there was jerky movement possibly parasites.
Was wondering if it was coming into summer your way?

Also I didn't think you had added anything for some time?

If there was a bit of gradual pop-eye the book I have suggested bacterial infection which the fin rot and grey patches on the fish would suggest to me as well (at least in part).

If there was jerky movement possibly parasites.

Yep, the weather is changing here.
First batch in the tank was 3wks from Lfs which I think problem came from, then my other's were shipped.
No pop eye, bellys bulging.
Fed cyclops tonight everyone ate except for 2 which are hiding at the filter? One looks like it's body is curved and it's definitely getting paler.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
Whenever columnaris strikes here, it is always as it is warming up. Your tank temp looked good though so just an observation I have noted here.

I must admit on such small fish either way it's tough if parasites or bacterial. Trouble with the disease handbook is there is about 6000 different ways for fish to die :(

Myself I would try removing any fish that looks like even a hint of being off, into QT and try treatments.

You might be unlucky and have both. If the fish display different symptoms I'd lean more towards bacterial.
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Yeah, that's what I've been doing so hopefully I'll keep whatever it is away from my healthy one's.
Thanks for the help

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
No, every time I remove them they either die in the net or are dying and I have to euthanize. So its difficult to treat them. Meds coming in a couple of days had to order it just hope it works and they survive long enough for me to treat them.
It's difficult for me as I'm not use to ill fish, the worst I've had is ich.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
Thanks for your input :)

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
Had to euthanize 2 more today, one was seriously emaciated and the other white patches along it's back, swollen tummy and clamped fins. Also found my shrimp eating a dead one. Gave tank a big clean and had a good look at them definitely think I'm going to lose them all, all showing white patches on their heads. Columnaris maybe?
Absolutely devastated ?

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
Had to euthanize 2 more today, one was seriously emaciated and the other white patches along it's back, swollen tummy and clamped fins. Also found my shrimp eating a dead one. Gave tank a big clean and had a good look at them definitely think I'm going to lose them all, all showing white patches on their heads. Columnaris maybe?
Absolutely devastated ?

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails

Hi, I'm awfully sorry - that does sound like it. You could try pulling the rest from the tank and if you want to, put the worse down (eg look internally effected) and try any anti-bacterial (even brackish salt levels) you have on the rest until the meds come.

Unfortunately it sounds like it has gone through the school.
I think it's affected them all too. There's a few that look really pale and emaciated and I'm going to have to euthanize them, really finding it difficult never went through anything like this before. Hopefully I'll maybe save some.
Thanks for your support.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
If it's columanaris wouldn't they have lesions and fungus? None of mine have that?
Or is there different strains?

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
If it's columanaris wouldn't they have lesions and fungus? None of mine have that?
Or is there different strains?

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails

On mine it presented differently even within the same school at same time. Some on the mouth, some with lesions, some with patches, some with sudden fin rot.

There is general agreement on a chronic and fast-acting strain, one thread mentions 4 strains. I have seen another thread that mentions more. Personally I suspect quite a few strains out there.

Just checking though but all your water is fine eg not dosing high ferts or extra glut? Or water company has changed water (eg tap water ph changes). Just thinking of the trigger. For me, the first heat wave to bounce tank temp up I've learnt to hate.
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PH hasn't changed. I don't dose ferts etc.
I'm just hoping it was something else.
They all ate this morning, but spotted one with half a dorsal fin?
Wish my meds where here.
55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
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What meds have you got?

Locally I've seen success reported with salt water dips using seawater strength but there wasn't anything on fish type or size so loath to suggest that high. Still around 0.5 to 1% might be useful to clean it off a little so the med you ordered can work on the actual infection point (plus covers if parasites). Still some risk though with salt as with all meds.
I'll try anything. I've ordered furan 2 coming on Thursday, can get esha 2000?
Had a call from a friend this morning telling me someone else bought fish from the same store as me and they've all died, same symptoms. He tried meds but nothing worked.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
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