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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 8, 2009
I tried giving my fish peas today as i forgot all about it and i just threw them into a cup with a little bit of water and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. I know i should boil them but i didnt have the time. The main 2 i wanter to feed them too is my bloated gouromi and to my red tail shark. the ONLY fish i could get to eat them is my festivum. Any idea on how to get the other 2 to eat it? I will try and boil them and see what happens. Any ideas to get them to eat it?
I "boil" mine in the microwave too, but for 3 minutes. Then run under cold water, then pop the middle out and mush. If it were me, I would fast the fish for a day or so, and make them eat them. I have never had a fish refuse food, they all go bananas at feeding time like they are starving.
You could try putting some garlic juice in with then water when you are boiling, or just a clove of garlic.
One day without food will not starve them :) I don't feed my fish on Sundays to give their digestive system a rest. I would try feeding the peas and then fast them the day after that so the pea gets a chance to work. Another trick to get them to eat the pea is to cut the pea to the same size as their regular food. I know it's a little difficult to cut a pea up but the fish may accept it if it's the same size as their regular food pellets.
I know it wont starve them, just saying. lol

I will try these things starting without the garlic then with the garlic. Report back in a couple of days.
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