Peppered Corydoras Melting...???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2011
Wa state
Peppered Corydoras is puffy...???

So I originally bought 2 Peppers. They're doing great. Later I added two more. One died due to what I'm about to describe. The second is in the beginning stages of this.
He's been lethargic for about a month, he eats, but doesn't school with the others, and doesn't search for food. He looks like his slime coat is melting off. I say this because he's got like white-ish bits on the tips of fins and randomely on his body. It may sound like Ich, but it's different, it's not fuzzy, it's like slime....he appears bloated. NOT pineconey, just like rounder. His abdomen (where the grey of his upper body meets the white of his belly) is distended almost. This is where it gets weird. The first one who had these same symptoms developed a hole in his abdomen. Like he melted from the inside out...I found him like this with his guts almost oozing out....still alive too :( ....Very sad. and odd.
Now my tank:
it's a 10 gallon heavily planted, with 5 Blue Tetras, 3 Otocinclus, 3 African Dwarf Frogs, 3 Peppered Cory's and 1 Bamboo Shrimp.
Parameters are consistently:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 35-40
P.H. - 6.8
Temp is about 76f.
I do 2-3 Gal water changes every 6-7 days, and I filter using water polishing pads and a Saechem looks like tiny white sand....the escapes me at the's better than carbon though...ANYways....I also do a good gravel vaccuum with every water change.

So what the heck is happening to my Pepper's???
I've currently got him hospitalized and treating with "beta revive" the blue drops...neomycin I believe.
Should I be using a different abx?
I'd really like to know what the heck I'm dealing with!! :-( :-(

...I can't get a good picture....sorry :-( I did a WC when I got home today and there's a bunch of chunks of slime/gunk floating around in the water...and he doesn't have any more bits on him....but he still appears puffy....and (this is even more weird) his eyes seem to be protruding more than normal of right now he seems to be having difficulty staying on the bottom....every once in a while he sort of starts to drift up....I think I might be too late to save him....:-(
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