Question about mark on Platy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 24, 2005
toledo, ohio
Hi, newbie here............... I have a well established 20 gallon tank that has run very, very smooth for 1.5 years. Same tank mates, nothing new. The only kids that I have lost are 1 White Cloud (due to an over aggressive Cat) so the other 2 were removed and placed in betta tank, and my Cana gold snail who was almost 3 years old and dies due to old age. I have 3 platies, two females and one male, all wagtail. A few weeks back, i noticed a small white speck on the largest ones face above the mouth. I have waited it out to make sure of what it was before treating because of the other fish in the tank and there has not been any more spots since. SHe is swimming, eating as normal and comes to the side of the tank when I approach. Everything seems normal. This morning, when I flipped on the light to feed them all, I noticed a white mark on her side. It is not fuzzy nor does it look like an ulcer. I have been looking for sites with different types of diseases and cannot seem to find any that fit that description. I do not have my test available right now because I am at work but I do check the water almost daily, weekly 20% water changes and gravel cleaning and have water tested weekly at a local owned fish store.
My platies tank mates are 3 Mollies, 2 Glo-fish, 1 cat and 4 snails other than the other Platies. I do add calcium once a week (Kents liquid calcium) for the snails shells and wonder if this is damaging her.

I do not like to treat tanks without knowing what this could be for fear that overmedicating could cause more damage. Has anyone had this problem with their platy before and if so, what was the treatment and outcome? I am so attached to her- her name is Princess Sara. SHe is very responsive to me and I would hate to lose her. SHe is beautiful and almost 3" long.
Thanks in advance,
Does it look like a grain of salt? Does it look like a protusion? Is it hard or soft? Does the area look swollen? Is it something attached to the fish? Growing out of the fish? Or a growth beneathe the surface?

Rub a little stress coat on your hands before handling a fish.
Thanks for replying. It is not ick, i have had that in a tank before. The spot on her lip has not changed. The spot on her side looks almost like she might have ran across something or possibly bitten by another fish. It is about a 1/4 of the size of her in lengthand very narrow in width. I have moved her to a small 5 gallong tank that I keep as a hospital or for fry and fortunetly, it is empty at the moment. She is still eating, swimming, and the mark has not changed so I am not going to do anything to her unless I think she has to be medicated. I have not noticed this on any of her other tank mates so I think I will keep her in the 5 gallon for a few moer days and then bring her back in with her family if nothing has changed.
Does anyone know or have any Glofish? I have a couple in one of my tanks and they seem to be aggressive yet I was told they are not aggressive at all. Just curious...thanks so much!

No glofish here, but if you search the board for them, I know there was a recent thread about them.

Add some Melafix to help with healing. If the fish was simply scraped up or nipped, Melafix will help.
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