Should I euthanize?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
My creamsicle molly has had some sort of bacterial infection that causes her to swim in awkward positions (at first I thought swim bladder). First, she was swimming with her butt in the air, then it switched to her head..then it went away and she was swimming fine again. Well, she's now swimming slanted with her right eye stuck at the surface (or wherever she goes)and now can barely swim and is going in circles. She's still trying to eat but is barely getting anything because of her condition (though she does get some) and is quite thin. The thing is, I don't know if she's going to live much longer and I'm going on vacation for 5 days and I don't want to have her die while I'm on vacation but I also don't know if it would be right to put her down either... Any suggestions? T.T
She's had it for like a month and no one else BUT her has it. It's so weird, but yeah I think she's best to be put down :?
This is very sensitive topic where only you can make the correct choice. You are the only one that witnesses the condition of your fish firsthand. You just have to do what you think is right.

IMO, I always do whatever I possibly can, however there are times where the best fish keepers lose fish. Although I always do what I can, I hate to see a fish in pain no matter what.
Yeah I know, it's just that she's trying so hard to just swim and eat and stuff but I don't want to leave her without food and care for 5 days @__@ I think I may just put her down just so she doesn't have to suffer anymore but I may wait til tomorrow morning to see how she's doing.
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