Still Wen growth??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013
Hello! About a year ago I posted a thread about the strange white lines that were appearing under my lionhead goldfish's eyes. I was expecting them to Wen growth and be gone by now but it seems to have only gotten bigger. They are still white and look more swollen then before. I fear it's something harmful and hope someone on here can help identify what it is. I've tried googling it but had no luck. Any replies would be greatly appreciated! :thanks: :fish2:

Here's a video to get a better idea:
Edit: Apparently the video takes a while to load. If you can't view it i'll get pics instead
Looks like part of him to me but not sure if that is good or bad. Is it coming up over the eyes or is he bumping into things?
Thanks for the reply! It has not affected his vision at all and luckily has stayed clear of his eyes. It has the exact same bubble shape that the rest of the wen on his face has but just seems to be white instead.
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