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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
The tank is almost complete. I will add pics of the Rams after I get them. Also, I couldn't get a pic of the Bristlenose pleco. He likes the underside of the driftwood and pretty much hangs out there ALL the time.

The front view of the tank

The Marble Hatchets (6)

Panda Cories (6)

Hi Fin Serpae Tetras (6)

Rummose Tetras (6)
Thanks everyone! :D I can't wait till they are all full size and the Rams are in there. I'm really suprised that the rummies noses colored up so quickly. The tank looks busy. But that's mainly because the tetras don't really school yet. They just hang out wherever they want. Mixing together. I was hoping to see some schooling action but I guess it's good that I haven't. They feel safe. :) And they are eating very well too.

To my suprise I have not lost a fish yet. I had concerns over one of the hatchets beacuse I got him and he has one fin tore almost complety off and another was nibbled on. I figured 24 hours but he's still swimming and acting normal almost two weeks later. Then one of the rummies looked questionable and I was expecting only 2 or 3 to survive since they are wild caught. But here it is 3 days later and they are all happy as clams. :D
Thanks guys. :D My fishies appreciate the compliments. They need the little boost of confidence. :)
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