Autumn's Zoo Med Paludarium Habitat Kit

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Just picked up this medium ZM Pauldarium habitat kit. 12x12x18"
4G bottom "aquarium".

No where could I get the larger version online. For a (imho)reasonable cost.

Today I was in store, getting something for the Thai Betta when I noticed that the petsmart had the smaller Paludarium in stock. Online I had seen it for $79.99. But for pick up only, no shipping.

Petsmart person had mentioned doing a price match on the Stress Coat. So I ask about the Paludarium and the lady said yes. 189.99 on sale for 149.99 and I got it for 79.99 but saved $5.00 more because I had a loyalty reward! 74.99 plus tax!!!

So I bought it! Then got a Anubias Nana and a Peacock fern Selaginella willdenowii in the plastic tube for the land part of the set up.

It includes the Glass container - tank paludarium part
Paludarium filter
Dual deep dome light fixture
5.0 compact mini fluorescent
Nano LED 5W
Sphagnum Moss
Natural wood decor
Paludarium platform
Eco earth substrate

Lots of options listed for optional additional items to buy, some of which I have already, like a heater and a small fountain pump I can use for the water fall. Wood decor I have.

I feel like a kid on Christmas day. Probably going to start to set it up tomorrow. I know I am excited to get a couple special plants I have been eyeing for the future build at a local nursery, I hope they still have them!.

It will be full in no time, lol.

Just with the aquarium plants I have now, won't really need more water /tank plants .

One guy who has been making nice stuff online is Serpadesign on you tube been watching since he started I think. Fun, Fun stuff there.
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Oh how I love paladariums. Can't wait to see what you do with this. Also nice job on getting it super cheap.
Still can't believe the great deal!!!

So the family had plans and I didn't get to go check on / get plants for the tank or do anything but read a little in the introduction to the Paludarium biotope book. There is just a few pages and it shows a number of options for beginner to more difficult selections.

It is a difficult decision. I hadn't really considered if a specific biotope would be a better option, than just throwing all the stuff I wanted in it. That was my first option ;)

So mud skippers seem adorable. I don't know enough about them yet to make an informed decision other than how cute they look in tanks and videos. There were those Rubber Ducky Isopods aka pill bugs/ (just realized I don't know how to spell rollie pollies / roly poly ). But they were a crazy $$ amount for a "bug".

Likely will not spend $15-20 for one rolie polie.

So not positive yet about the substrate in the platform. I am feeling like there should be some build up on it with cork or something.

I think I need to order a couple pieces of cork and some silicone tomorrow too.

Shopped for some live moss, didn't decide yet. Looked at little ferns and terrarium plant assortments online too.

Also looked at the options from Tannin Aquatics. Seems high cost, but USA shipping is included, though dried things are pretty inexpensive shipping cost wise. Maybe will get a couple interesting things I couldn't get anywhere else.

Checking on a mister too.

Really many more things to think of and plan for than initially considered. It could be thrown together in a couple hours or planned out for a long while.

Will throw in some spare media into another tank for the filter but could end up just stealing some out of the canister filter next time I clean it out (soon?).

It is a "3 in one kit where plants, land and water live" meaning also there are three things to plan for! Actually I don't even know which aqua substrate I would like (could depend on biotope).

Now I am wondering about using up all the misc stuff I have.

Found some acorn caps I have oak leaves.

There is so much going on and nothing going on - at the same time...
too much work atm.

The paludarium is just starring at me - saying, you know already I am too small... very cute but too small.

Still intending to do a mini version of what I hope for then, I guess a tropical moist place for sensitive little things which may (hoping to) thrive.

Needing a fogger/mister thing. I am wondering if a ultrasonic humidifier will work and be lest expensive. That is what it looks like, at least one looks a bit like a ultrasonic humidifier. Might go to the reptile store and see if they have any habitats to observe. Next week end.

Sorry if you were still waiting for pics. I have opened the top of the box and looked at the stuff in there briefly. What a great deal! Even though it is a small one.
Hahaha, small for sure.

Today had to go out of town and got to stop at a nice plant nursery, at the end of the driving, with just enough time to get a few plants before closing, for the paludarium.

Will post some pics too in a few.

Have bought 7 plants now or 8 if you count the bag of Marimo Moss balls (for the water part though, not land)

One I had wanted most was the
Angel Vine, a great climber. It was trimmed recently (darn), but looks healthy. 4.99

Pilea peperomioides aka Chinese Money Plant, or UFO or pancake plant was recommended from Serpa I think was where I saw it in a tank/video.
Looks like Pennywort??? (not Bacopa though) Or a plant called Hydrocoytle Vulgaris... too.

Interestingly is is said it is hard to find in plant centers and grows slowly and is popular in Scandanavia. Shared between friends and neighbors sometimes called the missionary plant because of a Norwegian missionary who brought it home from Yunnan China, shared it with family and friends. Cool!

A tiny leave Oak leaf shaped Ivy 3-5mm sized leaves a little bit bushy, more so than only vining. They had the trident shaped very vining one but I see it often so didn't get that one. 3.79 Couldn't really pin down a name for this one. No big deal it is an ivy though (99%).

One I am excited about but unsure of its ability to be kept alive by me, lol.
A Golden variety Dwarf Baby tears - no name tag, will look it up- did find this name Soleirolia soleirolii 'Aurea' and Helxine soleirolii Golden Baby Tears.

Either way it cost 3.79 a good deal considering it might work under the water as well. They had Dwarf Baby tears and regular in commonly seen green. But grabbed up the more unusual, likely more temperamental one too. :/

Ficus pumila varigata - Varigated creeping fig 2.99

Dymondia margaretea. A really awesome petite but bushy plant called Silver Carpet Daisy from the Fairy Garden Collection. After checking further...South Africa. Not sure it will like the misty moist environment. Might give this one away. It will be good for a fairy garden but maybe not go for the humidity.

Oh edit here: tiny Button Fern was hiding under the news paper, likely lemon button fern (Nephrolepsis Cordifolia).
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Geez, does seem a bit small to work in.

In thinking about the small size I am believing it will be a learning experiment, whether to go for the big one, will depend upon the satisfaction of trying out all sorts of plants I can't really grow being the weather here is too cold and or too dry.

We range up and down, but average around 35% humidity according to the computer, I really thought it was more like 20%. :eek:

A rain forest looks like around 77%-88%. Which helps me see why I felt ours was so dry.
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Got a long DW stick to add height and a growing surface for one of the climbing plants.

Also got a small plant (3 tiny in one 2" /5cm pot) petite leaf orangey bronze, green Arrowhead (Syngonium podophyllum) don't know the actual varietyyesterday too.

Still needing a couple mosses - terrestrial, but should look full. Ordered a pack of plants from Goatnad and will see how some of these grow out of the water.
Getting close to build

Took pics of the items in the kit, and what the things which come with it are.

Then the extra things I got and the gravel and the platform in the tank

At the lfs in Boulder... got

5 Indian almond leaves medium (some for the Thai Betta and some for leaf litter) 3.00

5 mangrove leaves (for Paludarium leaf litter) 2.50

1- scrapy 6 inch piece of Indian almond tree bark which was literally $199.99 per pound!!! I got a tiny lite $2.00 piece! :eek: $200 per pound!!!

A bunch of misc sizes and shapes of bulk cork for background and or building pocket for plants in the Paludarium. Just a smidge over a pound for 11.50.

A small scoop of activated carbon as I couldn't recall for sure if I had any left.

Took pics of the gravel in the tank and intended to take one of the dry fitted filter position and then thought that I would never be able to get it out after planting and setting everything up!

Got the window screen out of the rafters of the garage and then later realized I likely wouldn't need it! The tray has a solid bottom... Might need to drill a few holes to let out water so it doesn't have the coco fiber "soil" (not really soil) sitting in stagnant water.

And figuring how to set up the design of the waterfall.


I have a stone tile as a possibility. It looks like a really porous, rough/natural finished, tumbled travertine. It's 12 inches by 12" I will take a pic. Didn't think of that earlier. It can be cut down some to make it the correct size.

Paint dark - near black

Probably too small to want to spray foam and carve out one.

Cut up an unused older 3D background - its 48" long 24" tall. They cost a decent amount new, so I could always sell it and use the money for something I do want.

Just spend the ~$20.00 and buy one that is cork and made for the enclosure.


Getting the pics set up tonight or tomorrow for the album and thread!
Finally Pictures!

Picture DUMP!



Items which are included

Bulk Corks and purchased items

Close ups

Purchased Bulk Cork and leaves and bark and stick, window screen roll underneath

Used Gravel
CaribSea Naturals Peace River plus some green and malachite color gravel bits, it reminds me of gem stones


Plant Tray

Ohko Dragon Stone

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Thank you. I am excited to get the mix together.

Land plant pics are next and then the special aquatic plants ;) pics aren't shot yet.
Terrestrial Plants

Land plants pics

3 to 4 o'clock position plant dark green individual round leaf vining plant is a Muehlenbeckia complexa from New Zealand

Golden Baby Tears maybe this is the other
Soleirolia soleirolii 'Aurea' and Helxine soleirolii Golden Baby Tears.

Lemon Button fern (Nephrolepsis Cordifolia).

Mini Daisy - Dymondia margaretea

Chinese Money plant Pilea peperomioides
Varigated Creeping Fig Ficus pumila varigata

Mini Oak Leaf Ivy

When they came home from the nursery

Closer detail
Ficus pumila varigata
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The Chinese money plant suffered some die off as it dried out pretty quickly 2 different times and didn't bounce back as I had hoped.

Really didn't expect to be so long before getting it built up and will likely be a number of days out since I do not know yet how I can stealthily have the filter and easily be able to get it out. Once it is so fully planted with the cork and vines and pockets of plants, will possibly have to be sure to leave a wide space in front and on one side for the sliding it in and out.

The front door comes open but I am not sure how that works yet. Have to check it out!
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