DIY Solar

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 15, 2007
I live in a country where our electricity bills are very high. Is there anyone on the forum that is sucessful using a solar setup to run their aquarium?
Check out this website. It has some pumps and an aerator that they make. I don't know about DIY though. It should be pretty easy to splice the electrical connections together if you can find panels without any devices attached. These will be more expensive, because you are getting a device all plumbed in for you.
What do you mean by a solar setup? Do you mean using actually sunlight instead of electrical lighting or do you mean using solar cells to power your equiptment. Solar cells are not yet cost effective. I too think the idea of photovoltaics is pretty cool but right now the efficiencies aren't there. They only make sense to use for remote power (like light houses and satellites).
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