Fish Mistreatment

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I would recommend watching a movie called Food Inc, it's on Netflix instant que. That movie will make you think more on where your food comes from. It's pretty messed up the way people treat animals that are only considered food.

I've heard of that movie Mogurako. Never saw it because video doesn't work on my computer, but I've heard that it really is terrible. I used to be a vegetarian years ago and what got me started was a book called Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. Yeah, he is a member of PETA and I know they are a little extreme sometimes, but there is alot of information in that book that alot of meat eaters don't want to know. I've encountered it time and time again when trying to explain to people how chickens and cows are kept, how they are killed and what all goes into the meat production process. And the most common reaction? "Oh, dont tell me that. I just don't want to know". Yeah, ignorance is bliss. (I have to admit that I stopped being a vegetarian out of laziness. Hubby is basically a meat and bread eater. Its hard to have two people eating two different diets when you don't have much money, so it was just easier to change my diet. But we are divorcing and I plan to go back to being vegetarian again soon. Although I must admit, and I cringe when I say this, that I did and will, eat fish. It is harder now as a fish keeper. I didn't keep fish when I was first a vegetarian. And I know that fish aren't all kept or killed in the most humane fashion, but they are definitely treated better than cows and chickens)
Nothing will ever change though, it's just how these things are. If I could remember the title, I would post a video that would get everyone's blood boiling. Lots of fishery produce is killed by literally just plucking it out of the tank and throwing it so that the side of its head hits the ground. Numerous times.

Pigs and cows have a rod that penetrates their skull and kills them instantly.

I'm not condoning it, but I just want to state that no producer is trying to make animals suffer.
BeavisMom62 said:
I've heard of that movie Mogurako. Never saw it because video doesn't work on my computer, but I've heard that it really is terrible. I used to be a vegetarian years ago and what got me started was a book called Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. Yeah, he is a member of PETA and I know they are a little extreme sometimes, but there is alot of information in that book that alot of meat eaters don't want to know. I've encountered it time and time again when trying to explain to people how chickens and cows are kept, how they are killed and what all goes into the meat production process. And the most common reaction? "Oh, dont tell me that. I just don't want to know". Yeah, ignorance is bliss. (I have to admit that I stopped being a vegetarian out of laziness. Hubby is basically a meat and bread eater. Its hard to have two people eating two different diets when you don't have much money, so it was just easier to change my diet. But we are divorcing and I plan to go back to being vegetarian again soon. Although I must admit, and I cringe when I say this, that I did and will, eat fish. It is harder now as a fish keeper. I didn't keep fish when I was first a vegetarian. And I know that fish aren't all kept or killed in the most humane fashion, but they are definitely treated better than cows and chickens)

I haven't seen it either, but now I want to check it out!
I feel the same way about eating fish. I've been vegetarian since I was 12 (almost 11 years!) and I had to start eating fish about 4 years ago for health reasons. I figure as long as I can save a few fish from their terrible pet store fate and give them long, wonderful lives, it evens out in the end.
The problem is there is nothing in the law that can prevent this .. Went to a carninval and saw the same thing .. People were walking around the fun fair with there gold fish in the hot weather and to top in all they were scaring the fish .. Makes my blood boil
Consumer power is what is required in this situation, sadly the ratio of caring aquarists to Joe Public is pretty shabby :(. All we can do is try and spread the word (oh gosh I sound like a TV evangelist!!lol), eventually the perseverance will pay off (hopefully, fingers crossed)
I don't mean to play devil's advocate, but unless you're vegetarian or eat only free range food, many animals are put through the same mistreatment that many fish suffer through.

I agree that all people should be much more informed, but that's not really an achievable goal when there are chain stores with untrained employees. The best we can do is inform those that we can and give our own fish the best possible lives because in all honesty, they're the lucky ones.
I'm aware of that. I said that in my post :p I was just touching on the subject about fish, since this is an aquarium website.
Ickletas said:
I think a lot of the thing with fish is people being ignorant rather than intentionally cruel. What I mean to say is that it is fairly obvious to any sane person that kicking a dog is cruel but how many of us knew about suitable water chemistry for fish before we started/intended to start keeping them? I know I didn't for sure.

I think this says it all.
I didn't know a goldfish needed a filter or that you couldn't just use tap water until I bought one as an adult.

Education on the subject is key and is missing in a lot of peoples worlds.
To those people who arnt interested in fish it just doesn't matter to them like a dog would. They don't necessary see fish as proper animals, if that makes sense.
Educate those around you. You can make a difference.
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