Latest fish tank related purchase..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2009
Richmond, Va
Snagged it from a Pawn shop before the last snow here Friday.. 5250watts of water heating power.. :) Well, enough to keep my two tanks happy at least..

I used to have a 15kw that I could plug in to the house and run just about anything.. But life made me sell it last year.. I broke my promise to myself on this one.. I had set my price at $50 per kw... But everything I looked at was pretty run down/wore out.. This one went for $450 with tax.. But looks brand new.. Not as nice as my 15kw, but was about 1/6th the money.. :)

And the comparable units on craigslist are going for the same money.. So what the heck.. If I need to, I don't get killed on it if I need to sell in the future...
all is good when you have backup. have not had to run my gen allmost 2 years. i do let run 15 min every 4 or 5 weeks
This one is borderline for what I want.. I really want a minimum of a 30amp service.. But would love to find another portable 15kw.. There out there somewhere.. :)
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