Tank Origins

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
How did your first tank start? Did you see the perfect fish and knew you had to have it? Or did you read about other community tanks and knew this was for you?

I am getting a twenty gallon. It will have six guppies and six zebra danios. It will also have four panda Cory cats. This is my first community tank!

So, what's the story of how you got where you are today? We would love to hear!
I got a tank around 3 gal after seeing my teacher (whom had around 5 tanks in the classroom) and put a goldfish in there.
Then i got a ten gal and put tetras in there then another 10 gal (i no longer own this one) made it a shrimp and cory tank. I now have 1 10gal 1 3gal 2 25gal and 1 30 gal
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